Verlinghem Kriegsgräberstätte - German War Cemetery

Historical Information (Source: Volksbund)

1 157 German war dead World War I.

The German military cemetery in Verlinghem was created in April 1916 by the German troops, who carried out burials here until September 1918. Many of the buried people died in Tourcoing's hospitals from the serious injuries they had suffered during the position war in the Armentières area. The British offensive in Flanders in the second half of 1917, the major German attack in April 1918 and the Allied counter-offensive, which began in August 1918 and led to the evacuation of the area by the Germans at the end of September caused high losses. After the war, the French military authorities transferred around 600 dead from the military cemetery in Tourcoing to here. The dead belonged to troops whose home garrisons were in Baden, Bavaria, Hesse, Thuringia, Saxony, Brandenburg, Poznan, Silesia and West Prussia.